Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Tinker Man

Sean hanna (Tinker Man) extends an early lead in our Fantasy football but has now used 16 subs!

My plan is still to hold back as many subs for the later stage as possible. That wont be too difficult as Sean will have used all of them up by the end of the week!

The Top Ten

1)ST and his 34 Anuses Total=176
2)Mexico 86 Total=133
3)Fliegenden Affe Total=123
4)Rocky Horror England Show Total=106
5)The Robotic Dancing Daddy Long Leg Clarets Total=102
6)Please Drop David Beckham Total=96
7)Get Your Eagle On 2006 Total=92
8)The Bunken Drums Total=86
9)Scotland, Champions of Europe 2008 Total=72
10)The Hand Of Dog Total=62


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"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." - Bill Shankly

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